What is a voice greeting?
A voice greeting is a pre-recorded voice message that is played by the cloud-based PBX when a call comes in.
You won’t get a second chance to make a first impression. But you can increase your chances of success by “greeting” customers with a professional voice greeting.
Competent text, confident tone of voice, pleasant timbre of a professional announcer: if your company has a voice, then it should be like that!
What is a voice greeting?

A voice greeting is a pre-recorded voice message that is played by the cloud-based PBX when a call comes in.
You won’t get a second chance to make a first impression. But you can increase your chances of success by “greeting” customers with a professional voice greeting.
Competent text, confident tone of voice, pleasant timbre of a professional announcer: if your company has a voice, then it should be like that!
Types of voice messages
Types of voice messages
A person’s impression of your service is ⅓ dependent on the quality of the voice greeting.
Set the client on positive emotions from the first minutes of the call.
A person’s impression of your service is ⅓ dependent on the quality of the voice greeting.
Set the client on positive emotions from the first minutes of the call.
Benefits of a Voice Greeting
Win the genuine sympathy of your consumers and make them want to call again
Benefits of a Voice Greeting
Win the genuine sympathy of your consumers and make them want to call again
Order a voice greeting in Ukrainian, English or Russian from the best speakers in the country
Order a voice greeting in Ukrainian, English or Russian from the best speakers in the country
Musical accompaniment
If you wish, you can supplement the text with pleasant background music.
Select a track from the playlist and make your call even more unique and enjoyable.
Due to the affordable price of the recording, even a company of one employee can create the appearance of a large corporation.
Musical accompaniment
If you wish, you can supplement the text with pleasant background music.
Select a track from the playlist and make your call even more unique and enjoyable.
Due to the affordable price of the recording, even a company of one employee can create the appearance of a large corporation.
The price of a regular voice greeting
from 28 GEL
Voice greeting price with background music
from 45 GEL