Multichannel landline number
Multichannel landline number
Landline phone number is a convenient way to establish your company’s presence in the city. You can select one number (in case you work locally) or several numbers of different cities.
Use of multichannel numbers means that your phone number can be reached by several customers simultaneously. Furthermore, several employees can call different customers simultaneously using the same number.

Landline phone number is a convenient way to establish your company’s presence in the city. You can select one number (in case you work locally) or several numbers of different cities.
Use of multichannel numbers means that your phone number can be reached by several customers simultaneously. Furthermore, several employees can call different customers simultaneously using the same number.
Thus, you don’t have to open offices in different cities. You can work in Kyiv but receive calls to your Odesa number from Odesa customers and send them goods or provide services.
Such numbers aren’t attached to a particular address: so, when moving to the new office, you don’t offer them “as a gift” to future tenants but take them with you keeping all the benefits for customers.
Thus, you don’t have to open offices in different cities. You can work in Kyiv but receive calls to your Odesa number from Odesa customers and send them goods or provide services.
Such numbers aren’t attached to a particular address: so, when moving to the new office, you don’t offer them “as a gift” to future tenants but take them with you keeping all the benefits for customers.
Advantages of landline numbers
Advantages of landline numbers
Conditions for the landline number operation
Conditions for the landline number operation
How to get a landline number?
How to get a landline number?